Thought Leadership

We need a multi-disciplinary approach to cancer care where clinical physicists are made an integral part of the critical decision-making process of cancer diagnosis and therapeutic choices. While we move up the value chain of cancer care, it is equally crucial that we enrich our repository of knowledge through a purpose-driven information exchange within the scientific community.
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

Why and how do you work so hard at this age?

  • Date: 2024-01-03 03:19:24
  • Author: Dr. BS Ajaikumar
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Why and how do you work so hard at this age?

A staple question that is invaribly flung at me especially during events: "Why and how do you work so hard at this age?"

Well, I respect the genuineness of the concern, which is rooted in the conventional meaning of retirement, when you stop working and live off pensions and gratuities. I call that temporary retirement.

All I am concerned about is 'permanent' retirement when work stops all by itself, you don't need to stop it.