Thought Leadership

Holistic care is an integral aspect of the fight against cancer care which lays equal emphasis on the physical and psycho-social needs of patients.
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

The pleasure of giving which brings deep contentment

  • Date: 2024-01-12 08:05:25
  • Author: Dr. BS Ajaikumar
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The pleasure of giving which brings deep contentment

Yes, it is important in life to aspire for prosperity built on monetary gains. At the same time, one should also reflect on the pleasure of giving which brings deep contentment and fulfilment, way above the instant gratification of monetary rewards. 

I recall a recent incident when a doctor from Nigeria whose mother was a patient. We were working on  a complex therapy for her with a cost tag of a few lakhs. The doctor, daughter of the patient, implicitly sought some concession in the treatment cost. I could sense in her body language the vulnerability and anxiety that such ordeals invariably bring about. 

On an impulse, I asked her a counter question, ‘Why ask for concession? Why not ask for free care for your dear mom? Don’t you think she deserves it?' 

We administered the treatment free of cost and I can’t explain in words how good I felt about the whole experience. Beyond the slightest doubt, the pleasure of giving far exceeds the pleasure of taking, and one should seek and savour it whenever possible within the practical constraints of the work environment.