Thought Leadership

It is indeed tragic that most Indians across generations are groomed from their formative years to subscribe to a flawed interpretation of the Karma theory and the caste system built on a fatalistic premise, which assumes without second thought that whatever happens (or does not happen) is the outcome of our good or bad karma
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

The defining feature of our great nation

  • Date: 2024-01-12 08:14:13
  • Author: Dr. BS Ajaikumar
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The defining feature of our great nation

Whenever there is discontentment for reasons right or wrong, a group of people take extreme steps even though the majority may not concur with their views. The sharper the conflict, more the chances of civil unrest that could make way for terrorism. 

The deeds of a handful of people bring a bad name to the entire community, whether minority or majority. The time has come for our leaders to take cognizance of this reality and initiate a powerful movement aimed at creating mass awareness on the perils of an insular approach, as also rebuild and reinforce our precious and priceless democracy, which has always been the defining feature of our great nation.