Thought Leadership

It is indeed tragic that most Indians across generations are groomed from their formative years to subscribe to a flawed interpretation of the Karma theory and the caste system built on a fatalistic premise, which assumes without second thought that whatever happens (or does not happen) is the outcome of our good or bad karma
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

An indiscreet Israel airstrike kiils Hamas depty and his bodyguards in Beirut

  • Date: 2024-01-12 08:23:04
  • Author: Dr. BS Ajaikumar
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An indiscreet Israel airstrike kiils Hamas depty and his bodyguards in Beirut

An indiscreet Israel airstrike kiils Hamas depty and his bodyguards in Beirut, and the West keeps mum, save for faint murmurs calling for the need to exercise restraint and spare civilian lives amid treachearous attacks (as if that is possible)

Sometime back, following the killing of a Khalistani terrorist in Canada, the US of A strongly and explicitly condemned India, depsite the Canadian PM's unsubstantiated allegations. 

What explains these double standards and marraiges of convenience and connivance, and how long will they continue unabated?

#Israel #hamas #war #usa #palestine