Thought Leadership

Today, cancer care has evolved by leaps and bounds but we have not gotten rid of the negative cancer terminology like palliative care, terminal disease, or Stage IV. Why can't we treat cancer like any other chronic disease? A diabetes patient is never told he is a victim of diabetes, or he is being given palliative care.
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

Let's take a pledge on 'International Literacy Day

  • Date: 2023-09-26 02:39:00
  • Author: Dr. BS Ajaikumar
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Let's take a pledge on 'International Literacy Day

Literacy is the ability to read and write, while education, which is the broader concept, refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values. Having said that, both fetch measurable value if and only if they are used to help make others literate and educated!

Education, like health,is yet a formidable challenge for the people at the bottom of the pyramid. Let's take a pledge on 'International Literacy Day' to do our bit to make them literate such that they are inspired to become educated!