The story of HCG

If Indian democracy is to move up the value chain, we need to identify, enable, and empower women leaders across the length and breadth of the country.
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

Cancer Care: The HCG Way -
Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

Right from its inception, HCG has been unflinchingly focused on oncology, covering the entire gamut of services from cancer prevention to rehabilitation. HCG sensed the need to have an oncology vertical by itself and not as a part of the whole gamut of specialties. We have over 220 oncologists and over 440 physicians across specific subspecialities including Head & Neck, Neurosurgery, Breast, Cardiothoracic, Hepatobiliary, Gastrointestinal, Gynaecologic, Orthopaedic, and Robotic surgery, besides other super-specialization areas including imaging and genomics.

HCG’s hub-and-spoke model spells its competitive edge. It consists of hubs providing all three treatment specialties - medical, radiation, and surgical oncology - with high-end technology, and a Bangalore-based Center of Excellence providing specialized services like robotic radiosurgery, molecular imaging, nuclear medicine, and subspecialties in oncology. Spokes on the other hand are located in small cities and towns typically serving as chemotherapy centers providing basic therapy and follow-ups. Besides, HCG has mini hubs in metros like Delhi in Ahmedabad providing the whole range of services with the exception of high-end diagnostics and therapy.

HCG specializes in understanding the essence and progression of cancer and how it can affect every patient differently. At the core of this understanding are three aspects: our unique approach to treatment, intelligent technology adoption, and clinical excellence.

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Unique approach to treatment:

No two cancers are alike. With this in mind, HCG works on the premise that treatment should be guided by multi-disciplinary inputs. These inputs are data-backed with robust diagnostics and delivered with precision to target the disease in line with the specifics of each patient. At HCG, our thrust is on the early detection and treatment of cancer, which will achieve through our preventive oncology packages, organ specific multi-disciplinary clinics, mortality reviews, tumour boards, organ preservation surgeries, and the hub and spoke model of delivery.

Technology adoption:

HCG thrives on the power of technology across its value chain. Remote consultations enable the spokes seamless access to the hub specialists. Teleradiology, and telephysics are a staple feature of HCG operations. HCG employs highly advance technologies like CyberKnife, and intensity modulated radiotherapy. Our adoption of Microsoft Hololens 2 has opened an epoch-making chapter of mixed reality at HCG – whether for comprehending medical scenarios, enhancing surgical interventions, or assessing patient conditions. While HoloLens has transformed the CT scan and MRI capabilities through powerful 3D views, Microsoft MESH is helping us collaborate and arrive at optimal decisions using 3D view of medical images. We employ the latest and most advanced techniques including Robotic surgery, Laser Therapies, Extended reality for surgical augmentation, Molecular targeted imaging with Digital PET CT, Near InfraRed intraoperative imaging, Digital pathology, Radio Genomics, and Cellular Immuno-oncology therapy.

Clinical Excellence:

Best-of-breed technology falls short of purpose without the backing of experts. Our team of 400 plus doctors are committed to serving the larger cause of cancer care. Stalwarts across various fields of Oncology are an integral part of HCG, thereby making it a doctor-driven organization. Research is an integral part of our DNA as reflected by our 100+ publications each year, as also our active participation in clinical trials. Our Centre for Biobanking and Biorepository is recognized by ISBER. Further, skills development and upgradation of doctors, nurses, and support staff is a continual endeavour at HCG. Through a pioneering industry initiative, we have brought healthcare training and medical education to the Metaverse by publishing 200+ hours of virtual reality (VR) content across multiple subspecialties.

We are creating a new era of cancer vaccines and genomics-driven targeted therapies aimed at creating quality of life as a comprehensive solution, not merely achieving an extension of life for the patients. Many cancer survivors need to reclaim their lives all over again and helping them do so is an integral part of our oncological outcomes. For this purpose, we have designed a programme called HCG life, which covers the journey of the patient from prehabilitation to rehabilitation. We have a dedicated team working on three aspects of preventive oncology: Under primary prevention, we collaborate with the government to develop policies related to cancer, tobacco control, food safety, and environmental issues. Under secondary prevention, we focus on peripheral camps and rural camps for the population at large. Under tertiary prevention, our goal is to maximize patient outcomes and prevent further morbidity emanating from the peculiarities of the disease progression.


Adding life to years by redefining healthcare through global innovation. Lorem ipsum is placeholder text


To be an acclaimed healthcare institution in pursuit of medical excellence through value based medicine


Quality, Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration, Leadership is way to ensure better medical outcomes

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